vrijdag 6 juli 2007


Well after a long wait i finally got my PSP last week (Playstation Portable) and man what a machine :) the graphics look so good and the games are just awesome
playing some GTA Vice City Stories now and Tekken Dark Ressurection now those are some kick ass games.

Also now that my boss doesnt have too much work for me for couple of weeks im practicly relying on Poker as my income wich is pretty patethic because i cant live on poker yet lol good thing i still live at home.
But being at home gives me a good oppertunity to pick up my accounting study again wich has been laying around without getting attention.

Then there's another thing, i read this interview on liquidpoker about rekrul wich was very nice to read for poker but also brought up Starcraft wich he used to play (wich i used to play also) so heck i found out i still have it on my computer and decided to play a few games of that aswell.

So all in all pretty much bad for poker however im still very well motivated to keep learning and studieing poker and my game so i havnt been sitting still.
I think most important thing for me now is finding a solid game i mean i like loose aggressive but i find that i can be more succesfull over a long term in finding a middle road between loose aggressive and tight aggressive wich is great i think seeing its another big step in being able to build up youre bankroll and moving up in limits.

Well i gotta go back to my study
cya later