Yesterday my bankroll got up to the point where i told myself i could play a $10 satalite to the 100k guaranteed on Mansion
and seeing i was playing so well all day long i wanted to play it that night
unfortunantly there was only 1 satalite left as the 100k started in 90 minutes
after doubting a little while i just said "screw it" lets play
i was doubting because it was a turbo
blinds going up every 4 minutes and can become a total crapshoot around the FT
Very quickly i worked my stack up to around 2300 (1500 starting)
then i got AJs and figured this was my first good hand to play a big pot with
i raised to 650 from MP (blinds 100/200 already)
SB and BB both call flop comes Kxx and i have to fold to the all in shove as i dont want to commit myself with just A hi
few pots later im down to 1k as i get AQo in the CO without hesitation i shove it in and again getting 2 callers showing 55 and 77 however a Q on the flop gives me the win and im up to around 3500
other then that i just had alott of luck with some other hands like KJ vs Ax or Kx vs Ax for about 4 times i geuss the only hand i saw a flop on without having all my chips in was when i got K3s spades on the button UTG mini raises to 400 MP3 calls i call SB folds and the BB goes all in for 700
everybody makes the call and the flop comes A33 2 diamonds UTG instantly shoves it in for about 3k MP folds and i make the easy call and win a big pot against A7
With about 20 players left i had a solid top 3 chipstack wich i didnt gave away anymore
top 6 paid a ticket and without any coinflips i made the ticket
Then half hour after that i played my very first 100k Guaranteed on Mansion
and i had a great feeling about it as my first hand showed AA
MP3 raises to 70 (10/20 blinds) i make it 250 and the BB shoves and i double against his AK
sadly tho i go pretty much card dead make a very nice fold against TT
and overplay my pair of 6s on 5QQ and am officialy shortstacked
normally im pretty good at picking spots to get back up but this time my A4s ran into Aces and im out at 366 out 667 entrants
so all and all im happy i made the ticket and even tho i busted out early and picked a wrong spot i played fairly well and looking forward to my next 100k hoping to make a nice cash
well back to the cash tables for now