Hi, my name is Sven
i started playing poker for a little more then a year ago
started like most people did just playing a little bit not thinking about hands or w/e
just playing on instincts
had a few wins and losses like a normal player would have on the low lvl SnGs
and everytime after a nice run of wins i kept losing my bankroll in the downswing after.
Now a year later
reading posting and just checking out sites like 2+2, pokernews, pocketfives and pokerxfactor
ive been learning alott about my own play and about the theoratical side of poker
but sadly i realize that i am way far from being a good winning player
i recently finished Harrington on Hold em vol 1
and started on vol 2
last monday i had a great result- (for my doing)- i played some great poker i felt good and most things felt right only made a mistake or 2 and finished 69th in the 3+R on pokerstars good for $47
even tho knowing i could of made it further if i had made a certain call i am very satisfied by my performance
and the next day again a small tourney made by a guy on pokernews
only 32 entrees for $5 but still started out good and making the FT
just ended out the money tho noticed i was tired and made a huge mistake by letting my ego play instead of my mind
and ending pushing on a flush draw against pocket 8s which held up.
By thinking about these results and how i played these 2 days i noticed im improving in a very good way
starting to loose less on marginal hands
starting to win more on my monsters
just really thinking correctly about every situation
and you are probably thinking why does this mirco player loser make a blog its totally not intresting ?
well if its not for you then lets hope its for somebody else :)
at least its for me
a good way to see myself develop and for others to see me develop
hope to post some great stories and to develop a classic from Rags to Riches Blog
thanks for reading.